No Menu Monday today- thanks to some unexpected ribeye steaks that needed eating last week, spoiled ground beef, and a late evening that ended in eating out, we are eating many of the meals planned for last week this week. There are a couple of new recipes we're trying, and I'll be sure to share them if they're tasty. We have, however, begun a new training regime for our upcoming 5k debut!
Thus far, my training for the upcoming Turkey Trot 5k has consisted of walking and jogging around our neighborhood for around 30 minutes four or five days per week. I realized last week that this wasn't working very well at all and with only a few weeks left until the race, I began searching for a structured program for more effective training. I found this- Fitness Magazine's Beginner Training Program: 6 Weeks to a 5K. We began Saturday. Here's what the first week looks like:
Week 1
Day 1: Walk briskly for 1 mile. Run 2 minutes every half mile until you reach 3.5 total miles. Walk 0.5 mile.
Day 2: Walk 3-5 miles.
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Walk 1 mile. Run 3 minutes every half mile until you reach 3.5 miles. Walk 0.5 mile.
Day 5: Off
Day 6: Walk 3-5 miles, including 10 run/walk intervals (run 30 seconds, walk 1 minutes) in the last mile.
Day 7: Off
Week Total: 16-20 miles
The first day (Saturday) was rough! We jogged at the local high school track and were joined by a few other runners. I felt very slow and out of shape, but I'm proud of myself for going the entire prescribed distance! Johnny and I are going to follow the plan to a T and hopefully I won't collapse halfway through the race in November, haha!
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