Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Short Break

I haven't felt like blogging in a few days, and here's why: I am terribly worried about my horse. The university I purchased Gina from (and work for) has recently had their sales practices questioned, and as a result, have declared the sales agreement for Gina invalid, refunded my money, and reclaimed the horse. I have few details, but I know my boss (the director of the university's therapeutic riding program who sold me the horse) has been on my side and fighting for me to retain ownership. Unfortunately, the university has made their decision and will be selling Gina at either a sealed bid session or public auction. I'm worried I'll be outbid at either of these, although it seems unlikely. Gina is a middle-aged Thoroughbred mare with no racing history and a bone chip in one of her front legs. In a land of rodeos, American Quarter Horses, and many, many equines for sale, she isn't particularly desirable. However, her bloodlines are excellent, she's in good condition, and is sound; perhaps someone would buy her as an addition to their breeding program. I am treading uncertain waters, and am very, very upset. To make matters worse, the university is reconsidering their horse boarding policy: it's possible it will be eliminated altogether. So if I am able to buy Gina (again), I may need to find a new home for her. Boarding at a proper stable in this area ranges from $300-$400 per month, which is more money than I have to spend on such a thing. 

So please forgive me for taking a little break. I'll be back, hopefully with good news.

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