Saturday, January 8, 2011

Things I Can't Live Without Lately

  1. Vanilla lattes from a local coffee shop, Cappuccino Corner. Already good, now they're better because I was given a punch card! Yay rewards!
  2. Liplicious lip gloss in Frozen Daiquiri. Shiny without being a weird color. Smells divine. Tastes like nothing, so I'm not constantly licking my lips.
  3. Faux-diamond studs. Just the right amount of sparkle to make any outfit look fancy. And cheap enough that I won't be upset if I lose one.
  4. iPod. I stopped using it in my Blazer because I didn't have a good wireless transmitter and there was no auxiliary input. Thanks to a well-timed Christmas gift from my uncle, I now have a very good transmitter to use in the Forester. Time to buy some new music!
  5. Tote bag purchased years ago from Old Navy. I sort of forgot I had this. I bought it 4-5 years ago to carry my laptop to/from classes, then stopped using it after I graduated. It's a super cute bright blue and light tan canvas that's held up really well. It's once again toting a laptop; I carry my Chrome laptop (and Lilly planner and magazines and a paperback) to work with it. Perfect.

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