Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I've always admired those who are able to converse in multiple languages. A friend in high school was fluent in both Spanish and English and it was amazing to hear her switch effortlessly between the two. In high school, I took Latin, hoping it would provided a strong foundation for any other language I chose to learn and eventually help me in a legal career. In college, I decided to neither take a language nor pursue law school. So much for Latin being useful!

I recently decided to learn Spanish, though. A couple of ladies at the hotel I work for speak mostly Spanish and little English, and sometimes it's tricky to ask them questions or communicate ideas. I found a free online course and have been studying it in the evenings during downtime at work. A guest heard me practicing yesterday and being a Spanish-speaker himself offered to teach me some conversational language and critique my grammar and pronunciation. So my new amigo Victor and I spent some time going over words and phrases yesterday evening and agreed to meet this afternoon to study. He is in town on contract work for the next six months, so I am hoping I will learn a lot from him. I'm very excited to take on this language challenge!

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